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Showing posts from May, 2015


Wh- ever phrases: Grammar + practice Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exploring concession and contrast sentences Now, allow me a personal walk down memory lane:  I said maybeeeeee, you're gonna be the one that saves meeeeeee, and after aaaallllll, you're my wonderwaaaallll Once I start to walk, I can't stop!!! So, don't stop me now, we're having such a good time!!! There's no stopping me!!! Or you!!! Thank you for a lovely course. I'm honoured to have had you as my students. Now, never stop! Keep your English alive, no matter what!  As a token of my appreciation: Just as a reminder that so much can be done with so little. Outstanding!


BBC Skillwise website: giving a presentation BBC Tallking Business: Presentations: Language Expert How to make your presentations better without opening your mouth . Body language and voice tone account for 63% of communication (according to this article). Tips for effective presentations Tips on making presentations (by University of Kent, the UK's European University).  Worth checking out the part "Advanced Presention Tips: the Art of Rhetoric ":  tricolon effect   or the rule of three ( The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ) use of contrast ( A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to tear down, and a time to build up.  Margaret Thatcher ) use of similes and metaphors ( A beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion. J.F.Kennedy ) alliteration ( Let it be our cause to give that child a  happy home, a  healthy  family, and a  hopeful  future. Bill Clinton ) quotations ( An eye for an eye only ends up maki